that's about it [all]
1 ((略式))(知っているのは)それだけだ;(あるのは)それきりだThere's some milk in th...
That's about the size of it.
that's all I need
That's [It's] all right.
That's all (there is to it).
((主に米略式))1 それで終わりだThere you are. That's all there is to i...
That's all, folks!
今日はこれでおしまい(◆アニメthe Looney Tunes Cartoonsの最後で言われる言葉から)
That's as may be (but ...).
(なるほど)それはそうかもしれない(が…)(◆may に強勢を置く)
That's better.
((略式))1 (承認・賞賛を表して)そのほうがいい,いいぞ2 (慰め・励ましを表して)よしよし,そうかそうか,さあさあ
That's done it.
That's good.
That's how [the way] the cookie crumbles.
That's it.
((略式))1 そこが問題なんだ,そこなんだ;そうなんだ2 もうたくさんだ,それ[これ]でおしまい;ということ3 ...
That's it.
((略式))1 そのとおりだ,いいぞその調子Yes, that's it.よし,そうそう1a (相手の発言に)その...
that's no way to do
That's not saying much.
That's right.
((略式))1 そのとおり(⇒形1)2 (いらだって)まったくもう3 ((米))(思い出して)あっそうそう
that's saying something
That's something.
That's that.
That's [It's] the gear.
That's the idea.
That's the way it is [goes].
That's the way the ball bounces.
That's the way.
That's torn it!
That's why.
the [an] A to end all As
究極のA,最高のAthe party to end all partiesとてつもなく盛大なパーティー
the apple of A's eye
1 A(人)にとって目に入れても痛くないもの;A(人)のお気に入り2 ひとみ
the apple of discord
1 《ギリシャ神話》不和のリンゴ(◇トロイ戦争の原因となった黄金のリンゴ)2 争いの種
the back of one's hand
1 手の甲know ... like the back of one's hand…に精通している2 ((略式))...
the back of (the) beyond
The ball is in A's court.
the beginning of the end
終わりの始まり,最終結果を予示する最初のはっきりとしたきざし,よくない結果のきざし(◆Churchill が演説で...
the best of a bad lot
the best of both [all possible] worlds
(The) best of British (luck)!
the best [pick] of the bunch
the big [top] enchilada
the big [great] white chief
The bird has flown.
the birds and (the) bees
The biter bit.
The boot is on the other [the wrong] foot [leg].
The bottom falls [drops] out of A.
((略式))1 A(市場・産業)の底が抜ける,Aの製品を誰も買わなくなるThe bottom fell out o...
the bottom [the top] of the pile
the breath of life [the nostrils]
The buck stops here.
私が仕事の全責任を取る(◇米国 Truman 大統領のモットー)
the butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker
the calm [the lull] before the storm
the cards are stacked against A