1. 1〔そばに付けておく〕attach ((to))
    • 申込書には最近の写真を添えること
    • A recent photograph should be attached to the application form.
    • ケーキにさくらんぼを添える
    • garnish a cake with cherries
    • レモンの輪切りを添えて出す
    • garnish with lemon slices and serve/serve with a garnish of lemon slices
    • 贈り物に添えて花束が届けられた
    • A bouquet was delivered together with the present.
  1. 2〔付け加える〕add ((to))
    • 会に趣を添えるような企画を考えてください
    • Please think up some ideas to add to the fun of the party.
    • 彼の再出発にみんな力を添えた
    • We all helped him start over again.
    • 黒ビロードの服がその婦人に大きな魅力を添えた
    • Her black velvet dress lent the lady even greater charm.
    • 子供の参加は会合になごやかな雰囲気を添えた
    • The presence of (the) children gave a relaxed atmosphere to the gathering.

