1. ((接続助詞)) because of; owing to; on account of; as; since; because; so... that(▼直接的な原因を表すのはbecause.sinceとasは付随的な原因を表す)
    • 天気が悪かったので外出できなかった
    • I could not go out 「because of [on account of] the bad weather./Because the weather was bad, I could not go out.
    • 彼は非常に長い距離を歩いたのでそれ以上歩けなかった
    • He had walked so far that he couldn't walk any further.
    • 村人が親切にしてくれたので旅人は間もなく回復した
    • Owing to [Thanks to] the kindness of the villagers, the traveler soon recovered his health.
    • 休暇が終わったので学生たちは学校へ戻って行った
    • The vacation having ended, the students went back to their schools.

