1. 1〔切れた部分〕a gap, a break
    • 雲の切れ目
    • a break [rift] in the clouds
    • カーテンの切れ目から日がさした
    • The sun shone in through an opening between the curtains.
    • 長い生垣[車の流れ]には切れ目がなかった
    • There was no gap in the long 「stretch of hedge [flow of cars].
    • 切れ目のない線を描いた
    • He drew a long, unbroken line.
  1. 2〔区切り〕a pause
    • 文章の切れ目ごとに息をついた
    • He took a breath at the end of each sentence.
    • 2時間の講演を切れ目なく続けた
    • 「He did not pause [He made no pause] at all during his lecture of two hours.
  1. 3〔尽きた時〕an end
    • 金の切れ目が縁の切れ目
    • ((諺)) When the wolf comes in at the door, love creeps out of the window.

