1. 〔一地域の〕topography, geographical features;〔一般に,土地の形状〕landform

    地形上の topographical

    • 地形の利用
    • utilization of topographical [geographical] features
    • 彼はこの辺の地形に詳しい
    • He knows the terrain./He is familiar with the lay [lie] of the land around here.(▼layは 《米》,lieは 《英》)
  1. 地形学topography; geomorphology
  1. 地形照合誘導terrain contour matching guidance ((略 TERCOM))
  1. 地形図a topographical map
  1. 地形測量a topographical survey; measurement of geographical features
  1. 地形模型a relief model of geographical features
  1. 地形輪廻a geographical [geomorphic] cycle; a cycle of erosion

