1. 1〔姿が見えてくる〕appear
    • 夢に現れる
    • appear in a dream
    • 満月が山の端に現れた
    • The full moon 「came out [appeared] from behind the mountain.
    • 車を走らせて行くと教会の尖塔せんとうが行く手に現れた
    • As we drove on, a church spire came into view in front of us.
    • 女性の姿が霧の中に現れた
    • The figure of a woman 「emerged from [took form in] the mist.
  1. 2〔出現する〕
    • 数年前会員が女性だけというクラブが現れた
    • A few years ago there 「came into existence [was born] a club exclusively for women.
    • 彼は19世紀に現れた偉人の一人である
    • He was one of the great men to appear in the nineteenth century.
    • その家にはお化けが現れる
    • The house is haunted.
  1. 3〔そこへ来る〕
    • 彼が現れたときには食事は終わっていた
    • By the time he arrived [《口》 showed up/《口》 turned up], the meal was over.
  1. 4〔目立つようになる〕
    • 彼が世に現れたのは40代の時であった
    • It was in his forties that he became famous [known].
    • 景気回復の兆しが現れはじめた
    • Signs of economic recovery began to appear.

