1. the smell of alcohol [wine, sake]
    • 酒気を帯びている
    • He smells of liquor./〔酔っている〕He is drunk.
    • 彼は酒気を帯びて乗り込んで来た
    • He came barging in reeking of alcohol.
    • 勘定書を見たら酒気がいっぺんにさめた
    • When he saw the bill, he sobered up in an instant.
    • 酒気帯び運転
    • driving under the influence of alcohol/drunk(en) driving
    • 酒気帯び運転者
    • a person driving under the influence of alcohol/〔酔っ払い〕「a drunk [an intoxicated] driver
  1. 酒気検査((give; take)) a breath test; a breathalyzer test
  1. 酒気検知器a breathalyzer

