1. 1〔不愉快な〕disagreeable; disgusting
    • 嫌らしいやつ
    • a disgusting character
    • 彼女の厚化粧が嫌らしい
    • Her thick makeup is disgusting.
    • 嫌らしい丁寧なお辞儀をした
    • He bowed to us in an obsequious manner.
  1. 2〔みだらな〕indecent; lascivious; improper(▼婉曲えんきょくな表現)
    • 彼は女を見れば嫌らしいことを言う
    • He never sees a woman without saying something improper [vulgar/dirty].
    • 彼は女の人に嫌らしい振る舞いをした
    • He 「took liberties [behaved indecently] with a woman.
    • 彼は嫌らしい目つきで私を見た
    • He regarded me with a lecherous look in his eyes.
    • 嫌らしい冗談
    • an off-color [a dirty] joke

