1. I
  1. 1〔人・動物などの〕a mouth ⇒ひとくち(一口)

    口の oral

    • 口を大きく開ける
    • open one's mouth wide
    • 口をすすぐ
    • rinse one's mouth out
    • コップを口に持っていく
    • lift a glass to one's lips
    • 口に食べ物を入れたまましゃべる
    • talk with one's mouth full
    • 口をぽかんと開けた
    • He opened his mouth wide.
    • 口をすぼめる
    • purse (up) one's lips
    • 彼は口が臭い
    • He has bad breath.
    • 老女は口の中で何かぶつぶつ言っていた
    • The old woman was mumbling something.
    • 本人の口から直接聞いたので間違いない
    • I heard it directly from her, so there's no mistake about it.
    • うわさは口から口へ伝わった
    • The rumor passed from mouth to mouth.
  1. 2〔口のように開いた部分〕an opening
    • 地震で地面がぱっくり口を開いた
    • The earthquake made a gaping hole [crevice] in the ground.
    • 郵便物を投げ入れる口
    • a slit for mail
    • ホースの口
    • the nozzle of a hose
    • 口のない[ある]腫物
    • a blind [an open] boil
  1. 3〔入れ物の口〕a mouth;〔やかんなどの〕a spout
    • 口の広いびん
    • a wide-mouthed bottle
    • びんの口を開ける[閉める]
    • open [close] a bottle/「take the lid off [put the lid back on] a bottle/〔コルクの栓を〕uncork [cork] a bottle
    • たるの口を開ける
    • tap 「a cask (of sake) [a keg (of beer)]
  1. 4〔人の出入りする所〕an entrance;〔戸口〕a door
    • 駅の西口
    • the west entrance [exit/gate] of a station
    • 富士登山の吉田口
    • the Yoshida route to Mt. Fuji
  1. II
  1. 1〔言葉,言い方〕
    • 口の達者な人
    • a fluent [glib] talker(▼fluentはよどみのない,glibは調子は良いが真実かどうか分からないという意がある)
    • 口を慎みなさい
    • Be careful (of) what you say./Watch your tongue.
    • 口には表せない美しさ
    • ((of)) inexpressible [indescribable] beauty
    • その悲惨さはとても口では表せない
    • Their misery is beyond description.
    • 口ではそう言っても本当は君のことを心配しているんだ
    • Though he talks that way, he is really worried about you.
  1. 2〔うわさ〕
    • 世間の口に戸は立てられない
    • People will talk.
    • 市長の不正が市民の口に上っている
    • People are talking about the mayor's irregularities.
  1. 3〔味覚〕
    • メキシコ料理は口に合わないと思う
    • I'm afraid Mexican food is not to my taste.
    • 彼女は口が肥えている[おごっている]
    • She has a delicate palate.
  1. 4〔養う人数〕a mouth to feed
    • 死んだ兄の子を引き取ったので口が1つ増えた
    • I took in my dead brother's child, and that meant I had another mouth to feed.
  1. 5〔勤めなど落ち着き先〕
    • 働き口を探す
    • look for a job
    • 仕事の口はいくらもある
    • There are plenty of jobs [posts] available.
    • あなたの会社にコピーライターの口はありませんか
    • Is there any vacancy [opening] for a copywriter in your firm?
  1. 6〔申し込み,照会〕a call; an engagement
    • 歌手にテレビ出演の口があった
    • The singer was invited to appear on a TV program.
  1. 7〔分担する分〕a share
    • その寄付に3口申し込みます
    • Put me down for three shares.
    • 一口1万円です
    • You are requested to pay 10,000 yen per share.
    • 私もその話に一口のせてください
    • Will you let me in on that plan?/Let me have a share in the project, won't you?
  1. 8〔種類〕
    • その口のワインは飲まない
    • I don't drink wine of that sort.
    • 君はお世辞の言えない口かい
    • Are you the kind (of man) who can never pay polite compliments?
  1. 開いた口がふさがらないbe too surprised to say a word; be dum(b)founded
    • あの人は口がうまい
    • 〔口達者だ〕She talks glibly./She is a smooth talker./〔お世辞がうまい〕She is good at flattery.
  1. 口がうるさい1〔世間がやかましい〕
    • そんなことをすると世間の口がうるさいぞ
    • If you do such a thing, you will bring on public criticism.
  2. 口がうるさい2〔すぐに非難する〕 ⇒くちうるさい(口煩い)くちやかましい(口喧しい)
  1. 口が重いclose-mouthed; uncommunicative; reticent; reserved in speech
    • 彼は口が重い
    • He is a man of few words.
    • 彼女に小学生の家庭教師の口が掛かった
    • She was offered the job of teaching [tutoring] a schoolchild.
    • 姉に嫁の口が掛かっている
    • My sister has had an offer of marriage.
    • その芸者には口が掛かることはあまりなかった
    • It was not often that the geisha was called in [for].
  1. 口が堅いくちがたい(口堅い)
    • 彼の口が堅いことには定評がある
    • He has the reputation of being able to keephis mouth shut [a secret].
  1. 口が軽いtalkative
    • あの子は全く口が軽い
    • 《口》 That girl can't keepanything to herself [a secret]./《口》 That girl is a real blabbermouth.
    • 口が腐ってもそのことは言えません
    • Whatever happens, I shall never tell you about that.
  1. 口が裂けても口が腐っても
    • ちょっと口が過ぎるんじゃないか
    • I'm afraid you go a bit too far in what you say.
    • 口が酸っぱくなるほど忠告したのに,彼は聞かない
    • I have given him advice over and over again, but he doesn't listen.
    • つい口が滑って秘密をしゃべってしまった
    • He let 「the secret slip [the cat out of the bag].
    • すみません,つい口が滑ってしまって
    • I'm sorry. It was just a slip of the tongue.
  1. 口が立つbe eloquent
    • 2週間も仕事がないと口が干上がってしまう
    • I'll be starving if I remain jobless for two weeks.
    • 口が減らないやつだ
    • He is never at a loss for words.
    • 酒のせいで彼はやっと口がほぐれてきた
    • At last, under the influence of sake he began to talk./Alcohol finally loosened his tongue.
    • そんな事を言うと口が曲がるよ
    • Heaven will punish you for saying a thing like that.
    • 口が曲がるほどしょっぱい
    • It's so salty it'll turn your mouth inside out.
    • 彼は口から先に生まれたような男だ
    • He was born with a big mouth.
    • 彼は口が悪い
    • He has a sharp [venomous/scathing/cutting] tongue.
    • 彼女は口は悪いが人はそれほど悪くない
    • Her bark is worse than her bite.
    • 彼は口と腹が違う
    • He says one thing, and means another.
  1. 口にする1〔話題にする〕
    • あんな人間のことを口にするのは不愉快だ
    • It's unpleasant for me to talk about such a man.
  2. 口にする2〔食べる〕
    • 3日間何も口にしていない
    • I have eaten nothing for three days.
  1. 口に出すいう(言う)はなす(話す)
    • その男の名を口に出しかかった
    • The name of the man was on the tip of my tongue.
    • 社員の間では人事異動のことが口にのぼっていた
    • The personnel changes were a topic of conversation among the staff members./The employees were talking about the staff reshuffle.
    • 胃の調子が悪く何も口に入らない
    • Something is wrong with my stomach, and so I can't eat anything.
    • 彼は口に任せてでたらめを言う
    • He makes irresponsible remarks 「on the spur of the moment [off the cuff].
    • 友達に金を借りるような人はだめだと言う口の下から金の無心をした
    • Just after saying that he despised people who ask their friends for loans, he asked for a loan.
  1. 口は禍わざわいの門かど((諺)) Out of the mouth comes evil./Your mouth can get you into trouble.
    • 偉そうなことを言っているが口ほどでもない
    • He is just talking big.
    • 彼は口も八丁,手も八丁だ
    • He is as efficient as he is eloquent.
  1. 口より先に手が出るresort to violence before trying to persuade; hit first and talk afterwards
    • 妻と娘は口を合わせて私の病状を隠しているらしい
    • My wife and my daughter seem to have put their stories together in order to hide the truth about my illness from me.
    • 人の話に口を入れないでください
    • Don't interrupt [cut into] my talk.
    • 私は3社に口を掛けておいた
    • I sent in job applications to three firms.
  1. 口をきく1〔話す〕 ⇒はなす(話す)いう(言う)
    • 彼は怒って私に何日も口をきかなかった
    • He was angry and wouldn't speak to me for days.
    • あの二人は(仲違いして)口もきかないのだ
    • Those two (quarreled and) are not speaking to each other.
    • 大きな口をきくな
    • Don't boast./Don't talk so big.
    • 彼はいつもいらぬ口をきく
    • He is always making uncalled-for comments.
  2. 口をきく2〔仲裁する〕mediate; act as a go-between [peacemaker]
  3. 口をきく3〔口添えする〕
    • 彼が口をきいてくれてその会社に雇われた
    • I got a job with the firm through his recommendation [《文》 good offices].
    • 息子のために口をきいてくれと頼まれた
    • I was asked to say [put in] a good word for his son.
  1. 口を切る1〔話し始める〕
    • 論争の口を切ったのはベル氏だった
    • In the debate, Mr. Bell was the first to speak./Mr. Bell started the discussion.
  2. 口を切る2〔びんなどの封を切る〕
    • ブランデーの口を切る
    • open a new bottle of brandy
    • 彼女は口を極めて花嫁のいいところをほめた
    • She praised the bride's virtues to the skies./She spoke with the highest praise of the bride's virtues.
    • たばこは悪いと口を酸っぱくして言っても聞かない
    • I have told him 「over and over again [《口》 till I'm blue in the face] that smoking is bad for his health, but he doesn't listen.
    • 彼はその件についてうっかり口を滑らしてしまった
    • He carelessly let 「the secret out [his tongue slip]./《口》 He let the cat out of the bag.
    • つい口を滑らせて彼を怒らせてしまった
    • Her slip of the tongue made him angry.
    • 父の友人が口を添えてくれたので,うまく就職できた
    • Thanks to 「a recommendation [an introduction] from a friend of my father's, I was successful in getting a job.
  1. 口をそろえてall together; with one accord
    • 生徒たちは口をそろえて何も知らないと言った
    • The pupils said in chorus that they knew nothing about it.
    • 彼は何にでも口を出す
    • He has a word to say about practically everything.
    • 二人が話していると彼が横合いから口を出した
    • While the two were talking, he rudely cut [butted] in.
    • 大きな口をたたく
    • talk big
    • 激しい言葉が彼の口をついて出た
    • Violent words poured from his mouth [lips].
    • 愛国の情が彼の口をついて出た
    • Words of patriotism flowed from his mouth [lips].
    • その問題については私は口をつぐむほかはない
    • I can only 「hold my tongue [be silent/keep my mouth shut] on the matter.
    • どうぞ口を付けてみてください
    • Just try [taste] it.
    • 彼は料理にはいっさい口をつけなかった
    • He didn't touch any of the food.
    • 皿洗いを命じられて彼女は口をとがらせた
    • She pouted when she was told to wash the dishes.
  1. 口を閉ざすclam up ⇒だまる(黙る)
    • その質問に彼は口を濁した
    • He gave a very vague answer to that question.
    • 彼は口をぬぐって涼しい顔をしている
    • He is feigning innocence and trying to look unconcerned.
    • 彼は雑文を書いて口を糊していた
    • He managed to get enough to eat by writing miscellaneous essays.
    • 彼は口を挟んで「早くしてくださいよ」と言った
    • He cut in and said,“Hurry up!”
    • 彼はようやく口を開いた
    • At last he began to talk.
    • 口を開けば姑しゅうとめの悪口ばかりだ
    • She never opens her mouth without speaking ill of her mother-in-law.
    • 彼らは私の上役を通じて私の口を封じようとした
    • They tried to silence me with the aid of my superior.
    • 彼はへの字に口を結んで何も言わなかった
    • He pursed (up) his lips and remained silent.
    • 容疑者はとうとう口を割った
    • The suspect confessed at last.
    • 彼はとうとう口を割って真実を話した
    • Eventually he came out with the truth.
  1. 1〔出入りする所〕
    • 新宿駅西口
    • the west exit of Shinjuku Station
    • 出入り口
    • an entrance/an exit
    • 登山口
    • a trailhead/the starting point for a climb
    • 必死で逃げ口を捜した
    • We looked desperately for a way out.
  1. 2〔納まる所〕
    • 働き口
    • a job/a position
  1. 3〔暮らし〕
    • 一人口は食えぬが二人口は食える
    • Two can live more cheaply than one.

