1. 干戈を交えるopen hostilities/go to war ((against, with))/begin fighting ((with))


    • 過失を看過する
    • overlook a fault
    • その件は黙って看過できかねる
    • I cannot let the matter pass (by) without making a protest.
  1. leisure (time) ⇒ひま(暇)
    • 閑暇を持て余している
    • I don't know 「what to do with leisure [how to spend my spare time].
  1. influence

    感化する influence; have [《文》 exert] an influence ((on))

    • シュバイツァーの感化を受けて,彼は医者になろうと決心した
    • 「Under the influence of [Inspired by] Schweitzer, he made up his mind to be a doctor.
    • 彼は悪い友達に感化されやすい
    • He is easily influenced by bad friends.
    • これは私の管下に属さない
    • 「This does not come under [This is outside] my jurisdiction.

