1. a public corporation
    • 日本道路公団
    • the Japan Highway Public Corporation(▼2005年分割民営化)
  1. 公団住宅〔旧住宅公団の〕an apartment building constructed by the Housing Corporation
  1. 〔うわさ〕gossip, rumor,《英》 rumour
    • 彼の意見は巷談俗説の類にすぎない
    • His opinion carries no more weight than hearsay.
  1. the latter [second] part

    降壇する leave the platform

    • 演説者はやじられて降壇させられた
    • The speaker was hooted down.
  1. 〔将棋・碁・武道で〕 ((hold; attain)) a high rank
    • 柔道の高段者
    • a highly-ranked [high-ranking] judoist
  1. 〔芸〕professional storytelling (of traditional Japanese tales) which features a highly dramatic delivery;〔話〕a story
    • 講談を語る
    • tell a story (on the stage)
  1. 講談師a (professional) storyteller
  1. 講談本the text of a heroic war tale
  1. a (lecture) platform; a rostrum ((複 ~s, -tra))
    • 講壇に立つ
    • take the (speaker's) platform

