1. 1〔刺し殺すこと〕
    • 嫉妬しっとにかられて彼は妻を刺殺した
    • Driven by jealousy, he stabbed his wife to death.
  1. 2〔野球で〕 ⇒さす(刺す)4
    • 三塁で走者を刺殺する
    • throw [put] a runner out at third
    • 一塁牽制けんせい球で走者を刺殺した
    • He picked the runner off 「with a throw to first [(at) first].
  1. 〔公式の〕(an) inspection;〔一般に〕(an) observation
    • 彼は癌がん研究視察のため渡米した
    • He went to the United States to visit [inspect] cancer research facilities.
    • 現場を視察する
    • make an on-the-spot inspection
  1. 視察員an observer; a member of an inspection team
  1. 視察団a mission to inspect [observe] ((educational facilities));an inspection team [party]
  1. 視察旅行a tour of inspection; a trip to observe ((educational facilities))

