1. a hindrance;《口》 a hitch
    • 客が多くて仕事に支障を来した
    • I had so many guests that I got behind in my work.
    • 式は支障なく終了した
    • The ceremony went off smoothly [without any trouble/without a hitch].
    • 炭坑の火事で多数の坑内労働者が死傷した
    • Many miners died or were injured in the coal mine fire.
  1. 死傷者casualties
    • 地震で多くの死傷者が出た
    • The earthquake caused many [heavy] casualties./The earthquake killed and injured great numbers of people.
    • 幸いに火事の死傷者は一人もいなかった
    • Fortunately, no one was killed or injured in the fire.
  1. 死傷者数losses; casualties; the toll of the dead and injured [wounded]
    • 我が軍の死傷者数は300名だった
    • We suffered three hundred casualties./Three hundred of our men were killed or wounded.
  1. a streetwalker; a prostitute
  1. a teacher;〔芸術の巨匠など〕a master
    • 彼女は師匠について琴を習っている
    • She is learning the koto from a teacher./She is taking koto lessons.

