• 戦後の日本の経済成長を大観する
    • take a broad overview of the economic growth of Japan since World War II
    • スペイン文化へのイスラム教の影響を大観する
    • make a general survey of the influence of Islam on Spanish culture
  1. an encyclopedia
    • 園芸大鑑
    • an encyclopedia of gardening
  1. a feeling in the body; a bodily sensation
  1. 体感温度sensible temperature
    • 風があるので今日の体感温度は低いだろう
    • Because of the wind it will feel cold [colder than the actual temperature] today.

    耐寒の coldproof; cold-resistant

  1. 耐寒訓練training to build up resistance to cold weather
  1. 耐寒植物a plant which can survive cold weather
    • この山小屋の耐寒設備は十分でない
    • This mountain hut is 「not adequately [poorly] equipped for cold weather.
    • 父は定年で退官した
    • My father reached the age limit and retired from office.

