1. 1〔ついに〕at last; finally; at length
    • やっと問題が解けた
    • I solved the problem at last./I finally came up with the answer to the problem.
  1. 2〔かろうじて〕barely; just
    • やっと飛行機に間に合った
    • I was just [barely] in time for the plane./I just made the plane.
    • やっと追っ手を逃れた
    • I narrowly got away from my pursuers./I escaped my pursuers by the skin of my teeth.
    • 夕方になってやっとその仕事を終えた
    • It was not till evening that I finished the work.
  1. 3〔苦労して〕with great difficulty
    • やっとのことで彼を説き伏せた
    • I succeeded in persuading him with great difficulty.
    • やっとのことで試験にパスした
    • I barely managed to scrape through the examination.
    • 苦い薬をやっと飲み込んだ
    • He gulped down the bitter medicine most reluctantly.

