1. the judiciary

    司法の judicial

    • 国際司法裁判所
    • the International Court of Justice
  1. 司法解剖((perform)) a legally-ordered autopsy
  1. 司法官a judicial officer;〔総称〕judges and prosecutors
  1. 司法行政judicial administration; the judiciary
  1. 司法権judicial power
    • 司法権を行使する
    • exercise jurisdiction
  1. 司法研修所the Judicial Research and Training Institute
  1. 司法試験a bar examination;〔日本の〕the National Bar Examination
  1. 司法書士a judicial scrivener;〔不動産譲渡の手続きをする〕a conveyancer
  1. 司法制度the judicial system
  1. 司法当局the judicial authorities; the judiciary

