1. 1〔支障〕an obstacle; a hindrance
    • けがはしたが仕事に差し支えはない
    • I got hurt, 「but the injury doesn't interfere with my work [《口》 but I can work all right].
    • 月曜は先約で差し支えがあり伺えません
    • A previous engagement prevents me from coming on Monday.
  1. 2〔不都合〕(an) inconvenience
    • お差し支えなければ今晩伺います
    • If it is not inconvenient for you, I'll come this evening.
    • 差し支えがなければ話を聞かせてほしい
    • If you 「have no objection to [don't mind] telling me the story, I'd like to hear it.
    • もう帰宅しても差し支えありませんか
    • Is it all right 「if I go home [for me to go home] now?

