1. 1〔手に入れる〕get;〔不断の努力で得る,習得する〕acquire, gain;〔遂げる,達する〕attain;〔努力・要求・懇願で獲得する〕obtain;〔調達する〕 《文》 procure;〔首尾よく勝ち得る〕win [gain];〔確保する〕secure
    • 金を得る
    • 〔もうける〕earn some money/〔生活費を〕make one's living
    • 賞を得る
    • win a prize
    • 人の好意を得る
    • win a person's favor
    • 地位[富]を得る
    • get [obtain] 「a position [wealth]
    • 名声を得る
    • become famous/gain [win] fame
    • 資格を得る
    • acquire a title
    • 権力を得る
    • gain power
    • 彼はやっと両親の許可を得た
    • He at last obtained his parents' permission.
    • なんとか確証を得ることができた
    • We managed to get [obtain] positive evidence.
    • 投票者の支持を得た
    • He won the support of the voters.
    • 彼の知己を得たのは幸いだった
    • I was fortunate to make his acquaintance.
    • 彼の話は何も得る所がない
    • There's nothing to be gained [learned] from what he says.
  1. 2〔できる〕can; be able to ⇒できる(出来る)7
    • 敵の所在を探知し得た
    • We were able to locate the enemy.
    • やむを得ない
    • It can't be helped./There is no help for it.

