1. 1〔止まる〕stop;〔終わる〕 《文》 cease, come to 「a stop [an end];〔風などが〕die down;〔音などが消えてゆく〕die away
    • 音楽はいつしかやんでいた
    • The music had stopped [ceased] before we were aware of it.
    • 彼の非行がやむことを望む
    • I hope he will stop misbehaving.
    • 政府はテロ行為がやむことを期待している
    • The government hopes acts of terrorism will come to an end.
    • 風がやんだ
    • The wind has died down.
    • 地震は数秒でやんだ
    • The earthquake died away in a few seconds.
    • 痛みがやむまで起き上がれなかった
    • I could not get up till the pain subsided [left me].
    • 倒れて[死して]後やむ
    • I shall never give up as long as I live.
    • 雨はまだやまない
    • It hasn't stopped raining yet./It is still raining.
    • 拍手は長い間やまなかった
    • The applause continued for a long time.
    • あの人は私が尊敬してやまない政治家です
    • He is a politician whom I deeply respect.
  1. 2〔休止する〕pause
    • 残り火をあおいでいた手がぱたりとやんだ
    • The hand fanning the embers suddenly paused.
    • 一時もやまずに働いた
    • They worked away without a break.

