1. 1〔国家・地方公共団体などの〕finance(s); financial affairs

    財政の financial

    • 健全[赤字]財政
    • sound [deficit] financing
    • 国家[地方]財政
    • national [local] finance
    • 国の財政は豊かだ
    • The national economy is healthy.
    • 国の財政を握る
    • hold [control] the nation's purse strings
    • 国の財政を再建する[建て直す]
    • rebuild the national economy
  1. 2〔個人の金まわり〕
    • 目下財政が苦しくてね
    • I'm 「hard up (for money) [badly off/《口》 broke] right now.
    • ヨーロッパ旅行なんてとても財政が許さない
    • 〔財政的にむりだ〕In my financial situation a trip to Europe is out of the question.
  1. 財政インフレinflation caused by 「a budgetary deficit [excessive government spending]
  1. 財政援助financial assistance; financial aid [support]
    • 財政援助をする
    • assist [support] a person financially
  1. 財政学(the study of) public finance
    • 財政危機にある
    • be in a financial crisis [《口》 bind]
  1. 財政硬直化rigidification [inflexibility] of public finance
  1. 財政顧問a financial adviser
  1. 財政再建reconstruction [rebuilding] of the economy
  1. 財政政策(a) fiscal [financial] policy
  1. 財政投資financial [treasury] investment
  1. 財政投融資計画a fiscal investment and loan program
  1. 財政難((have)) financial difficulties;((be in)) financial trouble
  1. 財政年度会計年度
  1. 財政逼迫ひっぱくfinancial stringency
  1. 財政法the public finance law
  1. 財政報告a financial report

