1. 〔選ぶこと〕(a) choice;〔選抜〕(a) selection

    選択する choose; select; make one's choice

    • 選択に迷う
    • be at a loss which to choose
    • 選択を誤る
    • make 「a bad [the wrong] choice
    • これ以上選択の余地はない
    • I have no other choice [option].
    • 選択は私の自由だ
    • The choice is mine./It's up to me.
    • 二人とも優秀なので代表としての選択に苦しんだ
    • Since both of them are outstanding, it was hard to decide which to choose [select] as a delegate.
    • 会議の日時の選択はあなたに任せます
    • We will leave the selection of a date for the meeting up to you.
  1. 選択科目《米》 an elective subject,《英》 an optional subject
  1. 選択権(right of) choice; an option
    • 選択権を放棄する
    • waive one's option
  1. 選択肢the choices (on a multiple-choice test)
  1. 選択売買権an option ((on a house))

