sukiyaki; sliced beef and vegetables cooked at the table in a shallow pan
Sukiyaki is a beef dish, normally cooked in a cast-iron pan at the table. Other ingredients include tofu, shirataki (noodles made from devil's tongue starch), Japanese mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, leek, and shungiku. All the ingredients are simmered in a soy-based sukiyaki sauce. When an ingredient is ready, those gathered around the table use their chopsticks to move what they want to eat to individual serving bowls. Lightly beaten raw egg is used as a dipping sauce. 意訳:牛肉を使った鍋料理の一つ.牛肉のほか,豆腐,しらたき,ねぎ,春菊などを醤油をベースとした汁で煮ながら,溶いた生卵にからませて食べる.なべは専用の厚い平底の鉄鍋を使う.食卓で料理し,仲間や家族が同じ鍋から食べる