1. a stretcher
    • 担架で運ぶ[に載せる]
    • carry [put] a person on a stretcher
    • 担架の担い手
    • a stretcher-bearer
  1. carbonization

    炭化する carbonize

  1. 炭化カルシウムcarbonized calcium
  1. 炭化水素hydrocarbon
  1. 炭化物(a) carbide
  1. a unit price [cost]
    • 単価80円で
    • at eighty yen apiece [each]
  1. a verbal shot, fighting words
    • 「お前なんかに二度と頼むもんか」と啖呵を切った
    • “I'll never ask you for anything again,”he declared defiantly.
    • 彼は私に向かって啖呵を切った
    • He hurled defiance at me.
  1. a tanka; a traditional Japanese poem containing five lines of 5, 7, 5, 7 and 7 syllables, respectively
    Tanka is one form of classical Japanese poetry, or waka. A tanka consists of five lines made up of 5, 7, 5, 7, and then 7 syllables, respectively, for a total of 31. Out of the approximately 4,500 poems included in the Manyoshu, the oldest existing anthology of Japanese poetry, more than 90 percent are tanka, and since the Heian era the terms“waka”and“tanka”have come to be used synonymously. Along with haiku, which developed later, tanka is one of the major genres of Japanese literature.
    • 短歌を作る
    • compose a tanka

