1. 1〔心が落ち着いている様子〕 ⇒へいせい(平静)
    • 彼はどんな時にも平気でいる
    • He is always self-possessed [calm].
    • 彼はずうずうしいくらい平気だ
    • His nonchalance verges on insolence.
    • 彼は平気な顔をしてやって来た
    • He came as if nothing had happened.
  1. 2〔気にしない様子〕
    • 他人に苦痛を与えるのも平気だ
    • He is insensitive to any pain he might inflict.
    • 彼は友達が何を言っても平気だ
    • He does not care a bit what his friends say.
    • 毛虫は平気だが蛇はいやだ
    • I don't mind caterpillars, but I do mind snakes.
    • 電車の騒音は平気です
    • The noise of trains doesn't bother me.
    • 成功しても失敗しても平気だ
    • He is indifferent to success or failure.
    • その話を聞いても平気だった
    • He was unmoved [unimpressed] by the story.
    • そんな侮辱をうけてよく平気でいられるね
    • How can you keep cool in the face of such an insult?
    • トムはうそがばれても平気の平左だった
    • Tom was as cool as a cucumber even after he was found to be lying.
    • 平気でうそを言う
    • He has no scruples about lying.
  1. 3〔影響のない様子〕
    • ウイスキー1びん飲んでも平気だ
    • He can drink a whole bottle of whisky 「without feeling the effects [with impunity].
    • 彼女は一気に2時間泳いでも平気だ
    • Swimming two hours at a stretch 「is nothing to her [《米口》 doesn't faze her a bit].
    • 不況になっても我が社は平気だ
    • A recession 「will not affect [will have no effect on] our company.
  1. a weapon; arms
  1. 兵器庫an armory
  1. 兵器産業the armament industry
  1. 兵器廠しょうan arsenal;《米》 an armory
  1. 兵器用核分裂性物質生産禁止条約カットオフじょうやく(カットオフ条約)
    • 書類には彼ら二人の名前が併記してあった
    • The paper had both their names on it.
    • 報告書に両者の意見を併記した
    • We wrote [put down] the opinions of both sides in our report.

