1. 1〔信仰する〕believe ((in))
    • キリスト教[仏教/神]を信じる
    • believe in Christianity [Buddhism/God]
  1. 2〔本当と思う〕believe ((a fact; that))
    • 彼の言うことを信じる
    • I believe him [what he says].
    • 幽霊を信じる
    • believe in (the existence of) ghosts
    • 信じてくれるかどうかわからないが,女王様に会ったんだ
    • You may not believe me, but I met the Queen.
    • 当時地球は平たいと信じられていた
    • In those days the earth was believed to be flat.
    • 事件は信じられないほど複雑だった
    • The matter was complicated beyond all belief.
    • 成功を信じて日夜努力した
    • I did my best day and night in the belief that I would succeed.
    • 人の言葉をすぐ信じてしまう
    • She is very credulous [gullible]./She readily takes people at their word.
    • とても信じられないといった様子で首を振った
    • He shook his head with (a look of) incredulity.
    • 彼が当然助けてくれると信じていた
    • I took it for granted that he would help me.
    • 信ずるに足る[信じがたい]話
    • 「a credible [an incredible] story/「a believable [an unbelievable] story
  1. 3〔信用する〕trust ((a person))
    • 私は夫を信じています
    • I trust [have faith in] my husband.
    • 信ずべき筋
    • a reliable source
    • 信ずべき人
    • a reliable [trustworthy] person

