1. a price
    • 米の値段を上げる[下げる]
    • raise [lower] the price of rice
    • 牛肉の値段が上がった[下がった]
    • The price of beef rose [fell]./The price of beef went up [down].
    • 店主と1時間も値段を掛け合った
    • He spent an hour haggling over the price with the storekeeper.
    • 魚の値段が安い[高い]
    • Fish is cheap [expensive]./Fish is low [high] in price.
    • その値段では安い[高い]
    • It's cheap [expensive] at that price.
    • 家の値段はいくらでしたか
    • 「How much did you pay for [What was the price of] your house?
    • 土地の値段をつりあげる
    • drive up the price of land
    • その自動車は200万という値段がついていた
    • That car was priced at two million yen.
    • この絵に値段をつけてください
    • Please tell me how much you want for this picture.
    • 50万円という値段をつけましょう
    • I will 「price it at [offer it for] five hundred thousand yen.
  1. 値段表a price list

