1. I
  1. 1〔値引き〕(a) discount; (a) reduction
    • 現金[早朝]割引
    • a discount for 「cash purchases [early-morning purchases]
    • 団体割引
    • a group reduction/〔料金〕a group rate
    • Tシャツを2割引で売っている
    • They are selling T-shirts 「at a 20 percent discount [at 20 percent off].
    • あの店では定価の1割引で売る
    • That store gives 「a discount of 10 percent off [a reduction of 10 percent on] the usual prices.
    • お持ち帰りのお客様には10パーセントの割引を致します
    • 「We take 10 percent off the price [You get 10 percent off] if you take it home yourself.
    • 学生割引はありますか
    • Is there a discount (fare) for students?(▼discount fareは割引運賃)
  1. 2〔手形の〕
    • 銀行割引歩合
    • a bank discount rate
    • 早期支払いの手形の割引をする
    • discount a bill for early payment
  1. II〔内輪に考えること〕 ⇒わりびく(割り引く)II
  1. 割引運賃a discount [reduced] fare
  1. 割引券a discount ticket [coupon]
  1. 割引国債a discount government bond
  1. 割引時間discount hours; reduced fare [rate] hours
  1. 割引乗車券a reduced fare ticket
  1. 割引手形a discounted bill
  1. 割引率[歩合]((at)) a discount rate ((of))

