It is said that to prevent global warming we must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases [GHG] by at least 25% from the 1990 level.
地球温暖化係数Global Warming Potential ((略 GWP))
地球外生物extraterrestrial life; life on other planets
地球環境基金〔日本の〕the Japan Fund for Global Environment
地球環境ファシリティーthe Global Environmental Facility ((略 GEF))
地球環境モニタリングシステムthe Global Environment Monitoring System ((略 GEM))
地球観測衛星an earth observation satellite
地球儀a (terrestrial) globe
地球サミットan Earth Summit; the UN Conference on Environment and Development ((略 UNCED)) (▼1992年リオデジャネイロ開催);the World Summit on Sustainable Development ((略 WSSD)) (▼2002年ヨハネスバーグ開催)
地球周回衛星an earth orbiter; a satellite orbiting the earth
地球周回軌道an orbit around the earth; the circumearth orbit