ill;《米》 sick(▼sickは 《英》 では通例,限定用法のみ.述語的にはill, unwellを用いる)
- 病気にかかる
- contract [come down with] an illness
- 病気で倒れる
- get sick and be unable to work/〔死ぬ〕die of a disease
- 辛抱強く病気と闘った
- He fought a patient battle against his illness.
- 母は病気で1か月寝ている
- My mother has been ill [sick] in bed for a month.
- 病気で学校を休んだ
- He was absent from school on account of sickness [illness].
- 病気で勤めを休んでいる
- He is on sick leave.
- 重い[軽い/慢性の/急性の]病気にかかっている
- He is suffering from 「a serious [a slight/a chronic/an acute] illness.
- 肝臓の病気
- ((have)) liver trouble [disease]
- 彼はローマで病気になった
- He fell [was taken] ill in Rome.
- あの子は病気にかかりやすい
- The boy gets ill easily.
- 彼は近ごろ病気がちだ
- He has been sick a lot recently.
- 兄[弟]の病気が移ったらしい
- He seems to have caught 「the disease [it] from his brother.
- わけのわからない病気にかかる
- suffer from a mysterious ailment
- 彼は病気を押して働きに出た
- He went to work in spite of 「his illness [being sick].
- 病気が早く治るといいですね
- I hope you will 「get well [get over your illness/recover (from your illness)] soon.
- お姉さんのご病気はいかがですか
- How is your sister feeling?
- 胃の病気がなかなか治らない
- His stomach trouble does not seem to be getting any better.