1. ((launch; orbit)) a satellite; a moon
    • 人工衛星
    • a man-made [an artificial] satellite
    • 通信[気象/放送]衛星
    • a communications [weather/telecommunications] satellite
  1. 衛星管制センターa satellite control center
  1. 衛星基地a satellite station
  1. 衛星国a satellite (country)
  1. 衛星写真a satellite photo(graph)
  1. 衛星船a satellite ship
  1. 衛星中継satellite relay; transmission via satellite
    • 衛星中継でオリンピックの熱戦が送られてきた
    • The heated contests in the Olympic Games were broadcast via [by] satellite relay.
  1. 衛星通信satellite communication (networks)
    • 衛星通信事業
    • (a) satellite-based communications service
  1. 衛星伝送satellite transmission
  1. 衛星都市a satellite city [town]
  1. 衛星破壊[キラー]衛星a hunter-killer satellite; a satellite killer
  1. 衛星放送satellite broadcasting;〔チャンネル〕a satellite channel
    • 衛星デジタル放送
    • digital satellite broadcasting/〔番組〕a digital satellite broadcast

