1. 1〔大体のところ〕およその general; rough; approximate
    • その理由についておよその察しはついている
    • 「I can make a rough guess [I have a general idea] about the reason.
    • 家はおよそ出来上がった
    • My house is almost [about] finished.
  1. 2〔約〕about
    • およそ50
    • about fifty
    • (2,3セントちがうかもしれないが)およそ10ドル持っている
    • I have about ten dollars, give or take a few cents.
  1. 3〔総じて〕generally; as a rule; on the whole
    • およそ親たるものは子を可愛がるものだ
    • Parents generally [usually] love their children.
  1. 4〔まったく,全然〕entirely; completely; altogether
    • そんなことはおよそ理屈に合わない
    • That (kind of thing) is 「entirely out of the question [altogether unreasonable].
    • およそ馬鹿げたことだ
    • That's 「sheer foolishness [complete nonsense].
    • 金にはおよそ縁がない
    • I've never had much money.

