1. 1〔骨を折って,わざわざ〕
    • 母がせっかく作ったご馳走がテーブルの上で冷たくなっている
    • The dinner my mother prepared so carefully is getting cold on the table.
    • せっかく訪ねてくれたのに私はあいにく留守だった
    • He had come all the way to see me but unfortunately I was out.
    • 彼の失敗でせっかくの苦心も水の泡だ
    • All our efforts came to nothing because of his blunder.
  1. 2〔相手の努力を謝して〕
    • せっかくのご招待ですから喜んで伺います
    • How kind of you to ask me! I'd love to come.
    • せっかくですが,今回はお伴できません
    • Thank you (very much), but I'm afraid I can't come with you this time.
  1. 3〔たまにしかないこと〕せっかくの rare;〔たまにしかなくて貴重な〕valuable
    • せっかくの機会だったのに
    • You should have taken advantage of such a rare opportunity.
    • せっかくの日曜日が彼のために駄目になってしまった
    • Because of him, the Sunday we had so looked forward to was ruined.
    • 雨でせっかくの晴れ着が台無しだ
    • The rain spoiled her best clothes, which she had put on especially for the occasion.
  1. 4〔気を付けて〕
    • 折角ご自愛下さい
    • Please take good care of yourself.

