1. 1〔多数の人の代わりをすること〕representation;〔人〕a representative, a delegate

    代表する represent; stand [act] for

    • 地域[比例]代表制
    • regional [proportional] representation
    • 会議に2名の代表を送った
    • They sent two delegates [representatives] to the conference.
    • 彼はクラスの代表として自治会に出た
    • He represented his class at the student council meeting./He attended the student council meeting as the representative of his class.
    • グループを代表して言わせてください
    • Let me speak on behalf of our group.
  1. 2〔全体の性質・役目などを表すこと〕代表的 typical ((of))
    • 我が校の代表的な学生
    • a good example of the students at our school
    • 代表的な例
    • a typical example
    • この絵はピカソの初期の作品の代表的なものです
    • This picture is typical of Picasso's early work.
    • 彼の提案は有権者の希望を代表している
    • His proposal represents the wishes of his constituents.
  1. 代表作one's masterpiece
  1. 代表者a representative;〔政治的な会議などに派遣する〕a delegate;〔代理役,代議員〕a deputy
  1. 代表社員a senior [representative] partner
  1. 代表取材pooled coverage
  1. 代表取材記事a pool [pooled] story
    • 総理大臣に野党各党から代表質問が行われた
    • The Prime Minister was questioned by representatives of the opposition parties.
  1. 代表団a delegation
  1. 代表取締役a representative director; the chief executive officer ((略 CEO));《英》 the managing director
  1. 代表番号〔電話の〕a pilot number

