1. ((cause; create; make)) a disturbance;((cause)) a riot; trouble(▼disturbanceは多数の人々に不安・迷惑を与えるような混乱状態,riotは集団や多人数による大規模な激しい騒動,troubleは政治的社会的不安をさす)
    • 機動隊が騒乱を鎮圧した
    • The riot squad 「suppressed the disturbance [put down the riot].
    • 事態は騒乱の一歩手前までいった
    • The situation worsened to such a point that a riot threatened [seemed imminent].
    • その国では騒乱が絶えなかった
    • There was 「a lot of trouble [no end to the trouble] in the country.
  1. 騒乱罪(the crime of) rioting
    • 騒乱罪が適用された
    • The anti-riot law was invoked.
    • 数百人の学生が騒乱罪に問われた
    • Several hundred students were arraigned on a charge of inciting riots.

