1. 1〔向こう側に移動する〕
    • 橋[道]を渡る
    • cross 「a bridge [a road]
    • 川を船で渡る
    • cross a river by boat
    • 川を徒歩で[泳いで]渡る
    • wade [swim] across a river
    • 船で島へ渡った
    • We went [crossed] over to the island by boat.
    • 横断歩道を渡る
    • cross at a pedestrian crossing
  1. 2〔海を越えて移動する〕
    • 大陸から日本に渡って来た文化
    • a culture 「brought over [introduced] to Japan from the continent
    • つばめはまだ渡って来ない
    • The swallows haven't come [migrated] yet.
    • 一家はカナダに渡って農業を始めた
    • The family emigrated to Canada and began farming.
  1. 3〔通り過ぎて行く〕
    • 木々を渡る風が心地よかった
    • The wind blowing through the trees was very pleasant.
    • 湖面を渡る風
    • a wind 「sweeping over [blowing across] a lake
  1. 4〔暮らしていく〕
    • そんなことでは世の中渡っていけないよ
    • If you do that sort of thing, you won't be able to make your way in the world.
    • 渡る世間に鬼はない
    • You will find many kind people in this world.
  1. 5〔他人の手に移る〕
    • 土地も家も人手に渡ってしまった
    • Both his house and his land passed into other hands.
    • 盗まれた絵はとある富豪の手に渡った
    • The stolen painting came [passed] into the possession of a certain millionaire.
    • ボールは阿部から伊藤へと渡った
    • The ball went from Abe to Ito.
  1. 6〔支給される〕
    • 解答用紙は全員に渡りましたか
    • Has everyone received an answer sheet?

