休演する cancel a performance;〔役者などが〕cancel an appearance

    • 都合により本日休演
    • Today's performance has been canceled.
    • 休演中
    • Performance Canceled/No Performances until Further Notice
  1. 〔救済〕relief;〔災害時に迅速に行う〕rescue

    救援する relieve; rescue

    • 救援を求める
    • 「ask for [seek] help [relief]
    • 中州に孤立した人たちの救援にヘリコプターが出動した
    • A helicopter was sent to rescue the people stranded in the middle of the river.
    • 洪水で家を失った人々に救援の手が町中から差し伸べられた
    • The townspeople lent a helping hand to those left homeless by the flood.
  1. 救援活動a rescue operation
  1. 救援軍a relief column
  1. 救援投手a relief pitcher; a reliever;《口》 a fireman
  1. 救援(部)隊a rescue party
    • 救援物資を空から投下する
    • drop relief supplies [goods] from the air
  1. 〔野球の〕an all-star (baseball) game

