1. 〔化〕cyanogen [saiǽnədʒən]
  1. シアン化カリウム〔俗に青酸カリ〕potassium cyanide [sáiənàid]
  1. シアン化合物a cyanide
  1. シアン化水素hydrogen cyanide
  1. シアン公害cyanic pollution
  1. one's personal proposal
  1. 〔考え〕thought;〔熟考〕consideration;〔沈思〕reflection

    思案する think ((about));consider; reflect ((on))

    • 机に向かって思案に暮れた
    • I sat at my desk, lost [buried] in thought.
    • どうして急場をしのごうかと思案を巡らせた
    • 「I pondered [I thought hard, hunting for] a way to get through the crisis.
    • これより他に思案のしようがない
    • I can think of no other [better] plan than this.
    • ここが思案のしどころだ
    • This calls for careful consideration./We've got to think this over carefully.
    • 思案に余って叔父に真相を打ち明けた
    • He told his uncle what had (really) happened because he wasquite at a loss what to do [at his wit's end].
    • 彼女は思案顔で入って来た
    • She had a troubled look on her face as she came in.
    • 思案投げ首である
    • be at a loss what to do/be at one's wit's end
  1. a tentative plan [proposal]
    • 行政改革の試案を出す
    • propose a tentative plan for administrative reform

