1. social contact; society
    • 社交的な人
    • a sociable person
    • 人前で社交的に振る舞う
    • behave socially in public
    • 彼とは社交上の付き合いに過ぎない
    • I only know him socially.
  1. 社交家a sociable person
  1. 社交界the fashionable world; (polite) society
  2. 社交界社交界の social
    • 社交界の人
    • 〔名士〕a socialite/〔総称〕the smart set
    • 社交界に出る
    • make one's debut in society
    • あれは社交辞令だよ
    • He said it just to be polite [diplomatic].
  1. 社交性sociability
    • 社交性がある[に欠ける]
    • be sociable [unsociable]/be outgoing [reserved]
  1. 社交ダンスsocial [ballroom] dancing
  1. speculation
    • 射幸的
    • speculative
  1. 射幸心a speculative spirit; the temptation to try for a quick and easy profit
    • 射幸心をそそる
    • 「stir up [arouse] a person's gambling spirit
  1. slanting rays (of light)
  1. an inclined shaft
  1. shading

    遮光する shade; shield

  1. 遮光板〔テレビの〕a gobo
  1. 遮光幕a shade;〔空襲用の〕an anti-air-raid shade, a blackout curtain

