• 次善の策として明日行くことにした
    • As the next best thing we decided to go tomorrow.
    • 最善が駄目なら次善の方策で行くしかない
    • If we can't use the best plan, we'll have to settle for (the) second best.

    事前に beforehand; in advance

    • そういうことは事前に言ってくれなくちゃ困る
    • You should have notified us of that beforehand [ahead of time].
  1. 事前運動〔選挙の〕preelection campaigning
    • 事前運動をする
    • lay the groundwork for an election campaign
  1. 事前協議prior consultation
  1. 事前調査a feasibility study
  1. 事前通告(an) advance notice
  1. 事前投票a preliminary election
  1. charity

    慈善の charitable

    • 慈善を行う
    • give to charity/practice philanthropy
  1. 慈善市[音楽会]a charity baza(a)r [concert]
  1. 慈善家a philanthropist
  1. 慈善興行a charity [benefit] performance [show]
  1. 慈善事業charitable [philanthropic] work
    • 彼は全財産を慈善事業に寄贈した
    • He donated all his property to charities.
  1. 慈善心benevolence
    • 慈善心に富んだ
    • benevolent
  1. 慈善団体a charity (organization)
  1. 慈善鍋[箱;病院]a charity pot [box; hospital]

