1. 1〔等しい量の繰り返し〕
    • 毎週2度ずつ
    • twice a [per] week
    • 1人[1個]ずつ
    • one by one
    • 共鳴者が毎月2,3人ずつ増えていった
    • Sympathizers increased at the rate of two or three a month.
    • お皿を1枚ずつ重ねた
    • I stacked the dishes one on top of another./I piled up the dishes one by one.
    • 少しずつ元気を回復した
    • He regained his strength little by little.
  1. 2〔等しい量の割当て〕
    • サンプルを4人に1個ずつ配った
    • We distributed one sample to every four persons.
    • 5人ずつ1組になった
    • We formed teams of five people each./We grouped into teams of five.
    • 少年たちはそれぞれ5,000円ずつ受け取った
    • Each of the boys received five thousand yen./The boys received five thousand yen each.
    • 1人1個ずつ取って下さい
    • Take one each./One for each person.

