1. 1〔先に行くこと〕先行する go ahead ((of))
    • 先行の3人は間もなく引き返した
    • Soon afterward the three who had gone ahead came back.
  1. 2〔順序などが先立つこと〕先行する precede; be ahead ((of))
    • この名詞に先行する形容詞
    • the adjective preceding this noun
    • 彼の思想は時代に先行していた
    • His ideas were ahead of the times.
    • 我々のチームが2点先行した
    • Our team got off to a two-point [two-run] lead.(▼two-runは野球の場合)
  1. 3〔先にあること〕
    • 先行文献
    • earlier literature ((on a subject))
  1. 先行権the right of way
  1. 先行詞〔文法で〕an antecedent
  1. 先行指数the leading indicators
  1. 先行投資prior investment
  1. 先行馬the front runner
  1. 先行法規established regulations

    先攻する attack first;〔野球で〕bat first, go to bat first;〔バレー・テニスで〕serve first

    • 味方チームの先攻で試合が始まった
    • The game began with our team batting [serving] first.
  1. one's specialty,《英》 one's speciality;《米》 one's major

    専攻する specialize [《米》 major] ((in history));《英》 read ((history))

    • 大学では何を専攻しましたか
    • 《米》 What did you major [specialize] in in college?/《英》 What did you 「specialize in [read] at university?
    • 彼は歴史を専攻している
    • 《米》 He is a history major./《英》 He is reading history.
  1. 専攻科《米》 a non-degree graduate program,《英》 a non-degree course for graduates
  1. 専攻科目one's special subject;《米》 one's major
  1. 専攻分野one's major field
  1. perforation;〔パンチで〕punching;〔きり・ドリルで〕boring, drilling

    穿孔する perforate; punch; bore; drill

  1. 穿孔カードa punch card
  1. 穿孔機a boring machine; a drill
    • 電気穿孔機
    • an electric drill
  1. 穿孔器a perforator; a puncher
  1. a flash (of light)
    • それは閃光を放って消えた
    • It flashed and (then) disappeared.
  1. 閃光電球a flashbulb
  1. distinguished war services
    • 戦功を立てた
    • He distinguished himself in battle.
  1. I〔水中を潜って進むこと〕 ⇒せんこう(潜航)
  1. II〔隠れて動き回ること〕潜行する go into hiding and work secretly
    • 犯人は市内に潜行しているに違いない
    • The criminal must be in hiding in the city.
    • 禁止された政治団体が地下に潜行した
    • The banned political party has gone underground.
  1. 潜行運動an underground movement
  1. 潜行スパイa spy; a mole
  1. 潜行分子a spy; an undercover agent
  1. a submarine voyage

    潜航する navigate [cruise] underwater

  1. 潜航艇a submarine (boat)
  1. a stick of incense; a joss stick
    • 線香を上げる[たく]
    • offer [burn] sticks of incense
  1. 線香立てan incense holder
  1. 線香花火toy fireworks; a sparkler
    • 線香花火のような
    • 〔あっけなく終わる〕short-lived/《文》 ephemeral
    • 線香花火のように消える
    • flicker out
    • 彼の名声は線香花火のようにぱっと燃え上がってすぐ消えた
    • His fame was transient ― it came [flared] suddenly, only to die out soon.
  1. (a) selection

    選考する select ((a candidate for a post))

    • 選考された人[物]
    • a selection
    • 彼は選考に漏れた
    • He was not selected [chosen]./He was passed over.
    • 彼女は応募者の中から書類選考で採用された
    • She was selected from among the applicants after a screening of documents.
    • 候補者として彼のことを選考中である
    • 「We are considering him [He is under consideration] as a candidate.
  1. 選考委員a member of a selection committee
  1. 選考委員会a screening [selection] committee
  1. 選考基準criteria for selection

