- prevention
予防する prevent ((a person from doing))
- この病気は予防できる
- This disease is preventable.
- 子供が風邪をひかないように予防する
- prevent children from catching cold
- 医者は性病感染予防にコンドームを勧めている
- Doctors recommend condoms as a safeguard against sexually transmitted diseases.
- ばらのうどん粉病の予防にはこの散布剤がよい
- This spray is very good as a preventive against the mildew of roses.
- 予防医学preventive medicine
- 予防外交preventive diplomacy
- 予防原則the precautionary principle (against environmental destruction)
- 予防策((take)) precautions;((adopt)) preventive measures ((against)) (▼通例複数で用いる)
- 予防接種(a) vaccination; (an) inoculation
- 予防接種証明書a yellow book
- 叱られないように,できるだけ予防線を張っておいた
- I did all I could to cover myself (in case things went wrong).
- 予防戦争〔戦争を防ぐための戦争〕a preventive war [attack];〔先制攻撃〕a preemptive war [strike]
- 予防注射⇒予防接種
- 昨日,インフルエンザの予防注射をしてもらった
- Yesterday I was vaccinated against influenza.
- 予防点検(a) preventive inspection
- 予防保全preventive maintenance