1. nursing; care

    介護する nurse; look after; care for

    • 家族介護
    • care by the family
    • 在宅介護
    • home(-based) care [nursing]
    • 老人介護
    • the care [nursing] of the elderly
    • 彼は介護休暇を取って年老いた母親の在宅介護をしている
    • He is on family care leave to care for his aged mother in his own home.
  1. 介護休暇制度(a) family health care leave
  1. 介護者[人]a caregiver;《英》 a carer;a person who looks after ((a patient, an elderly person))
  1. 介護ビジネスthe nursing business
  1. 介護福祉士a (certified) care worker
  1. 介護保険nursing care insurance
  1. 介護保険制度a nursing-care insurance program;〔日本の〕the Long-Term Care Insurance System
  1. 介護ロボットa nursing robot

