1. 〔考え〕a mind ((to do));〔心づもり〕(an) intention ((of; to do));〔望み〕(a) wish ((for; to do; that))
    • 意思が通じる[疎通する]
    • come to an understanding/understand each other
    • 意思を変える
    • change one's mind
    • 私は教師になる意思は毛頭ない
    • I do not have the slightest intention of becoming a teacher.
    • 両者の意思の疎通を欠いたためその計画は挫折した
    • Through a lack of understanding between the two parties, the project fell through.
    • 彼は両親の意思に背いて結婚した
    • He married against his parents' wishes.
    • 彼は他人の意思に従ってばかりいる
    • He always defers to other people's wishes./He always bows to the wishes of others./〔言いなりになる〕He is always at the beck and call of other people.
  1. 意思表示an expression [indication] of one's intentions;〔法律用語〕a declaration of intent
  2. 意思表示意思表示する indicate [express; declare] one's intentions

