1. a larva ((複 -vae))
  1. 幼生期((in)) the larval stage
  1. 幼生器官a larval organ
  1. a fairy;〔小妖精〕a sprite, an elf ((複 elves))
  1. (a) request ((for))

    要請する request

    • 王は軍隊を増強せよという彼らの要請を入れた
    • The king agreed to their request to strengthen the army.
    • 政府は捕虜の即時解放を要請した
    • The government 「called for [requested] the immediate release of the prisoners of war.
    • 彼は役員会の要請によりもう一期会長を努めることにした
    • He decided to serve one more term as chairman at the request of the board of directors.
    • 時代の要請に応こたえる
    • meet the needs [demands] of the times
  1. 1〔陽気な性質〕
    • 彼女は陽性だ
    • She is an extrovert./She is a cheerful person.
  1. 2〔病原体の試薬への反応〕
    • 反応は陽性だった
    • The reaction was [proved] positive.
  1. 陽性強化法〔ペットのしつけ〕the positive reinforcement method
  1. 陽性転移ようてん(陽転)
  1. 陽性反応a positive reaction
  1. training ((of teachers))
    • 技術者を養成する
    • train technicians
    • 体力[批評眼]を養成する
    • develop [cultivate] one's 「physical strength [critical powers]
  1. 養成所a training school ((for nurses))
    • 俳優養成所
    • an academy of drama/a theater schoolan acting school

