Pachinko is a pinball-style game invented in Japan. The player shoots small metal balls onto the game field, and they fall through the alley of pins. When one falls into one of the holes on the field, the machine dispenses additional metal balls as a payout. The balls can be exchanged for prizes, and certain token prizes may then be exchanged for cash. Pachinko machines themselves have been constantly evolving, incorporating new technology and gimmicks. Now there are computerized controls and digitalized slot machines, and prepaid cards can be used. In recent years, with large jackpot payouts and increasing sales, the element of gambling has become more prominent, and an increasing number of criminal activities related to pachinko are being reported. 意訳:日本で開発されたピンボールに似た射幸遊技.鋼製の球をばねではじき,盤面の穴に入れると,一定数の球が出てくる.その球を景品と交換でき,特定の景品は現金に替えることもできる.プリペイドカードの導入,球の動きの釘制御からコンピュータ方式へなど,パチンコ機は次々と新種が開発されている.しかし,売上額の増大とともにギャンブル色が濃くなり,犯罪がらみの事件も増えている