〔批判する〕criticize,《英》 criticise ((for)) (▼that節は用いない);〔論評する〕comment ((on));〔書評を書く〕review
- この作品は批評の価値がない
- This work is 「beneath criticism [not worth commenting on].
- この本の批評を頼まれた
- 〔意見を〕He asked my opinion of this book./〔書評を〕I was asked to review [write a review of] this book.
- この小説は暗すぎると批評された
- This novel was criticized 「as being too gloomy [for its gloominess].
- みなあれこれと私の帽子を批評した
- They all commented variously on [about] my hat.
- 社長は計画に何の批評もしなかった
- The president made no comment on the plan.
- 外国人は日本の家屋が狭いとよく批評する
- Foreigners often say [remark] (that) Japanese houses are too small./Foreigners often remark on the smallness of Japanese houses.
- 解釈学的批評
- hermeneutical criticism
- ポスト構造主義批評
- post-structuralist criticism
- 精神分析批評
- psychoanalytical criticism
- 脱構築批評
- deconstructionist criticism/deconstruction
- 読者反応批評
- reader-response criticism
- プラハ学派批評
- Prague School criticism
- マルクス主義批評
- Marxist criticism