attack;〔激しく〕assault;〔野球で〕go to bat

    • 敵が攻撃してきた
    • The enemy attacked us.
    • 敵は総攻撃を開始した
    • The enemy launched 「an all-out [a full-scale] attack.
    • 敵の攻撃はわが軍の虚をついた
    • The enemy attack took us by surprise.
    • 相手チームは鋭い矢継ぎ早の攻撃を見せた
    • Our opponents launched one fierce offensive after another.
    • 攻撃は最良の防御の道だ
    • A good offense is the best defense.
    • スワローズが攻撃中だ
    • The Swallows are now at bat.

    attack, criticize, censure;〔誌上で〕attack ((a person)) in print

    • 攻撃的な言葉
    • ((in)) offensive language
    • 上役は彼の職務怠慢を攻撃した
    • His superior [boss] reprimanded him for neglecting his duties.

