1. the source; the origin
    • 悪の源泉
    • the source of evil
    • 睡眠は活動の源泉である
    • Sleep is the wellspring of our activity.
  1. 源泉課税taxation at the source
  2. 源泉課税源泉課税する tax [withhold taxes] at the source
  1. 源泉所得税income tax collected at the source
  1. 源泉徴収withholding [deducting] taxes at the (income) source
    • 源泉徴収税
    • a withholding tax
  1. 源泉徴収制度a system of withholding taxes
  1. 源泉徴収票a withholding slip;《米》 a W-2 form
  1. 源泉分離課税separate taxation at the source

