1. drought [dráut] damage ⇒かんばつ(旱魃)
    • 畑はひどい干害を被った
    • The crops suffered serious damage from the drought.
  1. damage caused by cold weather
  1. deep emotion
    • 旧師に10年ぶりで会って感慨無量だった
    • 「My heart was full [I was filled with deep emotion/I was deeply moved] when I saw my old teacher for the first time in ten years.
    • 感慨深げに
    • with deep emotion
    • 図書の館外貸出し課
    • the library's lending section
    • 辞書の館外帯出は禁止です
    • Dictionaries may not be checked [brought/taken] out (of the library).
  1. irrigation; watering

    灌漑する irrigate; water

    • 荒地を灌漑した
    • They 「irrigated the wasteland [brought the wasteland under irrigation].
    • この土地は灌漑が行き届いている
    • This land is well irrigated.
  1. 灌漑計画an irrigation project
  1. 灌漑池an irrigation pond [reservoir]
  1. 灌漑地irrigated land
  1. 灌漑用運河[水路]an irrigation canal [ditch]
  1. 灌漑用水water for irrigation

